Jayse Vegas, 26, is an independent artist, born and raised in New York City. Since his debut...
Chu T is a young frenglish-speaking rapper from Quebec City, Canada. He currently has two singles out,...
Abyss16 is an Artist from Oxnard CA, Born in Hawaii and left at the age of 1....
Hailing from the islands of Cebu, Philippines, Trynket is a singer-songwriter, musician, and filmmaker who is defining...
Event Horizon consists of two 24 year-old musicians from France. They take their inspiration from various musical...
The Kith is an upcoming DJ duo consisting of two brothers born and raised in the Netherlands....
PULSE act with their new Cyber Future Metal Single “New Elastic Freak” along with its music video...
The upcoming artist Kid Rosy from Louisiana just released his first project titled “The Rosy Way”. Versatility...
After more than 4 decades in the music industry, Nir Nakav is leading an international cast of...
T Capo is an artist, singer, and songwriter originating from Daugai, Lithuania, and now based in London,...