Originally from Brooklyn, New York, the infamous mecca of real Hip-Hop – L.A. NY grew up as...
Miguel Paul, in art Eempey Slicker, was born in the Caribbean Island of St. Lucia. Surrounded by the...
“aero2graph” is a pseudonym of electronic music composer & producer Mario Rosanda (b.1966, Croatia, Pula) who started creating...
GOTCHI is more than just a rapper: he is a voice representing a generation of people in...
After a hiatus from the Rap game, dynamic Queens, New York rapper DL returns to the forefront...
Rootie is an urban music artist from Fremont, CA. Rootie is on radio rotation with the tracks...
Zion Antoni is a Freelance Journalist and Grassroots independent Recording artist/Record producer from the Bronx NY. He...
First Names are located in Austin TX. They are on radio rotation with the tracks – “City...
19 year old, Columbia, Maryland Artist BMT Mauri has been in the music game for a while...
John Vento is often called a chameleon in the Pittsburgh music scene; and, while his critics may...