Currently recording an EP with Foals produce, Brett Shaw in London, The Boy from the South, originally...
Growing up in Poughkeepsie, NY and homeless at 14yrs old, Samuel D Cherry turned to music and...
Back at it, David Naethan releases another single. This time around paying homage to one of the...
Dupre is an electronic producer who just dropped a 6 track instrumental EP, titled “noise.”, which can...
Madeline Rosene (pronounced ro-SCENE) is an Indie “Pop-n-Roll” singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. She has over 57,000...
Mike Mulshine is an independent songwriter, rapper, multi-instrumentalist, and bandleader from the Bay Area, CA. His songs...
Corey Lucky Lee Cleveland aka “The Naughty Northern” started writing music as a teenager in the late...
Buffalo Mend is a band from the western United States whose songs are a mix of rock/folk/blues....
KayJay2K is a 19 years old artist, paving the way out of his city. He is on...
Lavender Galaxy is the artistic moniker of a musical collective that consists of executive producer Eric Remington,...