Ken Valor – “Lanez” and “Want Me”

Ken Valor is a hip-hop and R&B artist looking to inspire others, and showing that it’s possible to make your dreams become a reality. Ken’s lyrics are so straight forward yet they tell many different stories and make you appreciate life and all the wonderful things it can bring. His music is wonderfully stitched together with lots of layers that roll out sweet and slow and smooth like a fresh bottle of maple syrup.

The song “Lanez” is pure perfection. Coming from a sad place, it is not schmaltz, not over the top and instead is so raw with true passion it makes you stop and listen to the words with each listen. Not many songs can do that. It is also a tool for all who listen to experience their own personal losses.

On the mid-tempo “Want Me”, Ken Valor continues to impress me with his writing skill, vocal talent, true sincerity and passion for music. This song is indeed a must own. Ken Valor is on radio rotation with the tracks, “Lanez” and “Want Me”. This is a worthy artist you should check out.


Instagram: @KenValor – Twitter: @TheRealKenValor – SoundCloud: Ken Valor – YouTube: Ken Valor

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