Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, is recording artist ReadJ who recently dropped his 10 song album “Pap.Arazzi.Me”. Bathed in Pop, R&B and electronic flavors, the recording positions itself at the cutting edge of modern urban music. Throughout this album, ReadJ shines with the quality of his compositions, honing his craft and taking it to new levels. Be it with the conceptual opener “InTheMood”, the catchy mid-tempo jam “MoveYourBody”, or the reflective and spaced-out “NoComplications”, the gifted songsmith entertains with the versatility of his pen.

Ably assisted by Tommy Stoner, ReadJ’s song-making prowess is best displayed on the brilliant and affecting “NotToday” ft. Tommy Stoner. Arguably his finest – certainly, most mature – work on the recording, the song has a delightfully twisted melody, cloying vocals, and platitudes of the electronic wizardry we’ve come to expect of ReadJ, after hearing the album’s first four tracks.
Made refreshing by a theatrical beat, a repeating hook, extravagant singing and dramatic basslines, the song is another showcase of creative R&B – a perfect illustration of ReadJ’s appeal as an eclectic artist.
“Daggon” piles on more thunderous basslines that will rattle your speakers no end; reiterating that this is a full-length album bristling with ReadJ’s brooding brand of partying R&B. “DontYouLoveMe” is evidence that ReadJ’s pure songwriting skills are in constant evolution, and that “Pap.Arazzi.Me” could be his best project yet. As it turns out, that’s exactly what it is.
“Yourz” has a dark epic feel, sweeping the listener up for what seems like longer than it’s nearly two minutes. Focusing on deep intimacy, ReadJ never allows the length of any of his songs to sap the music of its immediacy and potential catchiness. Hence only one cut out of ten, reaches past the 3 minute mark.

By the time the masterful “WhatElseIsThereToDo” shows up as the album’s penultimate song, ReadJ’s ever-improving songwriting has long been proven. His heavy reverbed, and effects-filled vocals, lends him an enigmatic and mysterious air, and makes “Pap.Arazzi.Me” feel a little ahead of its time. However, it’s likable enough in the present that it will keep him in the public eye for a while.
ReadJ doesn’t just sing his music. He is unique with attitude, the next level writings and ear for beat production. I am also highly intrigued by the pictures painted through his music. Clearly ReadJ is the product of the process of growth and experimentation. No doubt, “Pap.Arazzi.Me” is definitely ReadJ’s most ambitious project yet.
The vibes on the album closer, “Over”, is even more intoxicating than what came before it, with its pounding drums and rumbling bass, forcing ReadJ to stretch himself vocally and make an impact. The beat is atmospheric and hypnotizing, showing he’s grown hugely as an artist from his previous releases.
There are enough excellent moments on “Pap.Arazzi.Me” to prove just how unusual a lyricist, singer and songwriter ReadJ is. Right up there with, and even better than, his previous releases, it’s really more exciting because it feels like ReadJ’s just hitting his creative stride.