Dave Laytras, better known as, Event Horizon Productions Music, is a home studio producer from the USA who...
SMR Gshock is on radio rotation with the track “Stay Solid”. This one is a gem of...
Lolita Moore is an award-winning gospel singer currently making her mark with her own brand of faith-fueled...
Jinxed was born in Oakland, California as one of 2 children. His family and him then moved...
6nicc is on radio rotation with the tracks “Raise Hell” ft. Rx3ll and “Sold my World” ft....
Doug Cash decided to have some fun impersonating some of his favorite pop culture icons from the...
“Why Don’t” is another single featuring Nik Hughes – the drummer of the band Bush. The song...
In the vibrant and bustling DMV region, a rising rap sensation named Sollars has emerged, captivating audiences...
“Get ready to dance and sing along to the latest release from Naomi Suzuki, the talented singer-songwriter...
Emerging Denver artist Ronan Andrews is rapidly gaining a devoted following for his energetic performances and groove-filled,...