Hailing from Southern California, Mary Helen Margaret are the enigmatic alt-pop duo, who are set to captivate...
Pop & Adult Contemporary
Cheeba’s hometown is Coachella Valley. He has been playing the piano for practically his entire life, and...
The pseudonym Myrta stands for the musician and conductor Martina Stoye. Myrta composes and produces her own...
Merchant Records, the esteemed record label founded by India’s legendary composer duo Salim Sulaiman, is proud to...
“Take the pain away. Listen to ANESTHETIC by XADRIAN FERRARA” The song is an allegory of two...
California native singer-songwriter, actress, painter, poet, and healer Ava Delaney is set to captivate listeners with her...
Multi-talented Swiss musician Szarr discovered his passion for music when he began writing songs on an old...
David Alsabty born in Baghdad- Iraq, and grew up there. He lives in Stockholm- Sweden since 2006....
Dannisha is a new name in the Ukrainian musical space. Charming and self-confident: these characteristics are inherent...
Introduction: Xinye Tan is thrilled to introduce her debut single, “When Summer,” which was released on August...