In the heart of Nashville, amidst the pulsating rhythms of the city’s musical soul, Angela Chambers, the...
Melvin Fromm Jr.’s music, now being mastered by a Grammy-Winning Studio engineering team that has worked on...
Silence Becoming is a brand new atmospheric hard rock band out of Austin, Texas. Being driven on...
Kal Mystikal is a veteran independent singer, songwriter and producer who debuted a brand new solo project...
Roy Gray identifies as an independent songwriter/composer, producer, and arranger hailing from the Memphis area. The single...
6nicc is on Jamsphere radio rotation with the track “Somewhere”. You can find 6nicc on all channels...
Gregory Hickman-Williams was a vocal prodigy, born on January 18, 1957, in St. Louis, Missouri. He was...
Illeeria, a rising star hailing from the vibrant musical scene near Brighton, England. With her debut single “Drakaina,” she...
In the heartlands of Alabama, amidst the rustic charm of Lowndes County, a young dreamer was sculpted...
We are the organisation of independent musicians, anyone who’s got the music to play we welcome to...