SOLO is a project that ranges between genres: psychedelic rock leaves room for grunge, passing through indie...
“Sunday Morning” by DJ Abyss is a quiet house track and captures the lethargic late summer mood...
Raynbow MorB, a Singer/ Rapper (full name OLABODE O. RAPHAEL), born November 29 in Ikare-Akok Ondo State...
The HUNKIES band was born in March 2017 near Rome, with the meeting between Simone Nisom (guitar...
The pseudonym Myrta stands for the musician and conductor Martina Stoye. Myrta composes and produces her own...
Jason Bortei-Doku, known by his stage name Herman Suede, discovered his passion for music at a tender...
“Over the past year and a half, the genre of Ukrainian music has flourished. During this time,...
Merchant Records, the esteemed record label founded by India’s legendary composer duo Salim Sulaiman, is proud to...
“Stole My Memories” is the first single by a band created by Wojciech, guitarist and vocalist...
“Take the pain away. Listen to ANESTHETIC by XADRIAN FERRARA” The song is an allegory of two...