Since the reign of T-Pain, the city of Tallahassee has been starved of a star. Places such...
“Bio-Led lights! Camera! Dance Baby!!” Frolicious spent most of his years driving an Ice Cream Truck until...
Lil Castle is a music artist from LA. He is on radio rotation with the tracks –...
Jelly aka Just Jelly, born Justin Burke is a DJ/Producer from New York City. Born in Elizabeth,...
twoXtye is on radio rotation with the tracks “no cash” and “skully”. Hook up with twoXtye on...
Moron Police have previously played live with a full-piece orchestra, had one of their songs performed across...
Zero Frequency is the musical project of Ian Smith, who has dropped a series of raw, captivating...
Tyrone Sturk is a Reggae Artist from Portland Jamaica, with a single ‘Be Righteous’ and two...
Wasting no time, J-Carter is back with his 3rd album – “Take Hip-hop Back” – within a...
On 2015 four guys, that had been friends for more than 10 years started meeting and jamming ...