Edward Smith who goes by the moniker of Eddy P is a multi-talented vocalist and rapper who...
Hearken back to a period in time when that smooth Motown sound delighted the ear. In the...
‘Just Like You’ by Bethany Jade, is an Country/Bluegrass ballad, inspired by her Aunt Donna Ulisse, a...
“Chicago Holiday” is the fifth album from the Phil Mitchell Band, featuring lead singer Elena Ravelli. A...
West Ingston is a new artist born and raised in Houston, Texas who strives to make experimental...
NIK:11 has produced and released one hit track after another worldwide, from bouncy EDM, Big-Room beats to...
Don’t call it a comeback. It’s a heart attack, baby! Cousins, Ryan Cowell & Paul Furlow, reunite...
Band overview: Snakedoctors are a rock band from Poland. Four friends started the band in May of...
Seye Odebiyi is a Producer/Artist that loves creating music by fusing styles in different genres, mixing rhythms,...
1Law is an American hip-hop & rap artist, raised in Prince George’s County Maryland. As a child...