The Tragedy Canvas is a music project created by Wesley J. Cathey in 2014. The first studio...
“Destroyed (New Version)” single “Destroyed” is a brand new version of band’s older song. The single features...
CJ Lagapa is a New York City based queer/pansexual artist who does music as a hobby. He...
It all began in the ancient lands of the grand levant some 4,000 years ago. Legend tells...
The last release by DJ Abyss in 2022 is a remix by Berlin producer legend Chris Zippel,...
Rachael and the Upbeats are a multi-genre collective who produce summery and infectious earworm tunes designed as...
Methodical Madness have just released their new single, ‘Untouchable (The Primrose Hill Remix)’ to raise money for...
Land are: Folco (drums and electronic percussion), Max (vocals), Nik (synth, programming, bass, guitar) and the new...
Doug Cash is a sponge with a fly paper mind and cockroach resilience. With over 5 million...
Erik Engelhardt is on radio rotation with the track “Fly with Me”