Xxxandi is a serial entrepreneur, who has demonstrated over the years a unique ability to adapt to...
Frank Palangi is an indie rock recording artist who positively refuses to let a genre go dark....
Apricity is an alternative rock singer, born in Scotland, and now living in Puslinch, Ontario. “I am...
Skuadrum is an Italian American duo founded by Piggypop and Skuadrhop. They are former members of a...
A 24 year old relatively unknown but fresh, witty and quite articulate rap artist hailing from sunny...
From early on, Elisha James had a passion for music and a talent for entertaining an audience....
Rising and talented artist Kenny Curcio returns to release his second single of 2021. The New Jersey-bred...
The lead track on this album is called ‘Afterparty’. MC Tempo raps about returning to clubs/raves/festivals after...
Snakedoctors is a rock band from Poland. Four friends living in the same part of the city...
Kontrovist was born in 2020 during the worldwide lockdown due to the Corona virus that causes Covid-19....