“The New Hippies,” also known simply as “New Hippies,” is a Japanese music group. They made their...
Rock & Alternative
Teal are a 4-piece indie rock band from the Merseyside, they have recently released their second EP...
SOLO is a project that ranges between genres: psychedelic rock leaves room for grunge, passing through indie...
The HUNKIES band was born in March 2017 near Rome, with the meeting between Simone Nisom (guitar...
“Stole My Memories” is the first single by WHEN.in.MAINE a band created by Wojciech, guitarist and vocalist...
THE FUZES was formed in Sweden 2004. Martin Dagger plays guitars, handles the lead vocals and is also the...
Somerset-based singer-songwriter Matt Wescott is a name to remember. He has established a high bar for himself...
About “Uncertainty (feat. Christine Corless)” New Snakedoctors single “Uncertainty” features duet vocals by Wojciech and Christine Corless...
About “Waiting (That Other Version)” “Waiting (That Other Version)” again features Nik Hughes – the drummer of...
Meet Peter Pypers, an artist whose sound is as varied as his lineage. Born to immigrant parents...