TheAlienz can reach a great potential, from music videos (in the works) to performing concerts for large audiences, from teens to older adults. Our band consists of Gemini Teen, composer and singer, 15 years of age, capable of creating songs and hooks in all styles, from EDM to Hiphop to RNB to Pop, she has been writing professional level songs since she was 12.
With an enchanting lush unique meso soprano, she offers new revolutionary sound for the industry to continue its rapid growth. (cousin of Beyonce Knowles, Angel Dawn, Derouen descendant from New Iberia LA) is an all American French, Filipino who can speak three languages and practices advanced Kung Fu).
Isabella (Gabriel) is a model and singer, capable of signature vocal texture, she is a natural born performer, tending towards the rock and EDM spectrum. Xenon is a Hip-hop rapper and writer hailing of the bay area and composes lofi and futuristic music, with a gritty and authentic street hookishness.
AQ8 has been composing music for over 40 years, and creates overall productions aimed at the global market of every style. Capable of singing everything from Michael Jackson to Steve Perry, he is a French Cajun who grew up in the recording studios of Louisiana and is a multi-instrumental musician.
Capable of writing hook songs on a national level, we invite you to review our unreleased portfolio. We promote on social media and are readying our stage show. Our band is branded as alienz who crashed landed on Earth and just have to make do. From rock listeners, to teen anime, to pop to rap, we seek to somewhat peacefully invade this solar system.