In an alternative fictional history of the world, The Midnight Detective Club were an enigma. Fronted by...
Pop & Adult Contemporary
Scarlet V has released “I Wanna Be Loved”, which was first recorded by Buju Banton. She has...
Jennifer Juan is a cultural melting pot of an artist. She is a writer, a musician, a...
Alicia “Reese” Reisman, the songwriter behind Reese Collective, grew up in a small town called Fernandina Beach,...
Ramirez Coiva regards himself as a Citizen of the World, who has been writing and making music since...
From late-November onward, Christmas songs become inescapable. You’ll hear them at any Christmas party, while you’re doing...
Oneacis a Christian and writes music to cope with depression and the negative aspects his life. He...
Temperance Lancecouncil is a singer-songwriter in Los Angeles, California, who hails from the Carolina/Virginia line. Having overcome...
Ylia Callan Guitar is on radio rotation with the songs “A Sober Reminder” and “Breach The Mind”....
Katie Graham is an indie singer/songwriter from the north west of England and her new EP “Last...